To cite package ‘urltools’ in publications use: Keyes O, Jacobs J, Schmidt D, Greenaway M, Rudis B, Pinto A, Khezrzadeh M, Meilstrup P, Costello AM, Bezanson J, Meilstrup P, Jiang X (2019). _urltools: Vectorised Tools for URL Handling and Parsing_. R package version 1.7.3, . A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Manual{, title = {urltools: Vectorised Tools for URL Handling and Parsing}, author = {Os Keyes and Jay Jacobs and Drew Schmidt and Mark Greenaway and Bob Rudis and Alex Pinto and Maryam Khezrzadeh and Peter Meilstrup and Adam M. Costello and Jeff Bezanson and Peter Meilstrup and Xueyuan Jiang}, year = {2019}, note = {R package version 1.7.3}, url = {}, } ATTENTION: This citation information has been auto-generated from the package DESCRIPTION file and may need manual editing, see ‘help("citation")’.